Imagine if you can’t see to read your medication labels. Or perhaps English isn’t your first language? The risks of illness, hospitalization and even death are real. Whether you’re visually impaired, speak English as a second language, a caretaker or family member of someone who has issues understanding prescription labels or work for a support agency, you can become an advocate to save lives.
As of 2012, 4.2 million Americans 40 years old and older have an uncorrectable vision impairment, with 1.02 million being blind. This number is predicted to more than double by 2050 to 8.96 million, according to the Centers for Disease Control.
Furthermore, more than 65 million individuals in the U.S. speak a foreign language in their homes, according to the Center for Immigration Studies.
In the U.S. alone, the Food and Drug Administration estimates that about 1.3 million people are injured by medication errors each year. If an individual can’t understand their prescription labels, you can imagine the impact on medication safety. The solution? Accessible prescription labels.
Accessible Labels are Available
Accessible labels are widely available at no additional charge at thousands of pharmacies throughout the United States and Canada, and yet many people do not know about these options. Accessible labels include talking prescription labels, dual-language/translated labels, large print labels and Controlled Substance Safety Labels (CSSLs).
These are statistically proven to be effective in increasing medication safety for individuals who are visually impaired. An independent study discovered almost all (98%) study participants reported feeling safer taking their medications since using ScripTalk (talking prescription labels). While 35 percent of ScripTalk users reported experiencing a medication error prior to using ScripTalk, no one experienced a medication error related to mixing up medications or taking the wrong medication/dosage since using ScripTalk.
By spreading the word about these labels, you’re campaigning for the safety of people who are visually and print impaired as well as have Limited English Proficiency. You are advocating to save lives.
How Can You Advocate?
Educate yourself about accessible prescription labels and share the study results and information with friends, family, coworkers, clients and your community. Let folks know these accessible medication labels are available for free to patients at thousands of pharmacies throughout the U.S. and Canada.
Consider signing up for local health fairs, low vision fairs, ethnic health events and other community events both in person and online to share knowledge about the availability of these accessible prescription labels. Also, consider participating in Medication Safety Label Awareness (MLSA) month, which occurs every October.
Click here for the website and brochure that features ideas.
Are you a current advocate who needs access to our Let Us Do the Work for You (LUD) form? Click here.
You can turn your smartphone into a talking prescription reader to show others how this service works. You can also request dual language prescription labels to show others in your community the value of this free service. Download the ScripTalk Mobile App from the App Store or Google Play.
We can also provide you with a ScripTalk Station demo unit for large events.
In addition, we are happy to send you educational brochures to hand out to friends and family, as well as a sample prescription bottle to show how accessible labels work.

Talking Prescription Labels
Dual Language/Translated Labels
If you would like to become an advocate, please reach out by calling 1-800-890-1180 or fill out the advocate form and we’ll be back in touch with you shortly.